Becoming a Sponsor for LLD’s 7th Anniversary Season!
Dear Friends,
We would like to invite members of your organization’s leadership team or programming / public relations team to a PRIVATE PREVIEW REHEARSAL on Tuesday, 9/16, 7pm, in preparation for the LENORA LEE DANCE 7th ANNIVERSARY SEASON 9/26-10/5! We hope your organization can consider becoming a Presenting Sponsoring, Community Partner or Community Liaison for these upcoming set of performances 9/26 – 10/5.
Lenora Lee Dance (LLD) is proud to present two weekends of breathtaking and insightful multimedia performances that weave together dance, martial arts, video projection, text and music to tell the stories of Chinese migrants propelled into the unknown upon their arrival in the United States. Performed by a cast of 14 performing artists, these pieces utilize the interplay between live performance and film and mark significant experiences both in the history of Chinese in America and for communities around the world. We would love to collaborate with your organization and gratefully ask you to consider participating at ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LEVELS (click here).
If you’re interested in being a Sponsor, Community Partner, or Community Liaison, please let us know at your earliest convenience, and at the latest by Friday, August 29th. We are in the process of designing our publicity materials now and would love to include you in them.
CLICK HERE for more information about the performances.
CLICK HERE to see a 5-minute video clip of our most recent works commissioned by the de Young Museum (2013) and co-presented by New York University and Asia Society NY (2014). Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to the opportunity of collaborating with you.
In gratitude,
Lenora Lee Dance
P.S. We are excited to be performing at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts BAN7 Festival 8/7, 8pm