Interdisciplinary dance works giving artistic voice to Asian Americans

“Passages” gallery installation at CHSA

“Passages” gallery installation (2012)

On view April 12, 2012 – January 31, 2013 at the Chinese Historical Society of America

Click here to see the CBS News Coverage of CHSA, the saving of the “A” files, and the “Passages” installation.

This installation by Lenora Lee and Olivia Ting is inspired by an evening length interdisciplinary performance piece entitled “Passages: For Lee Ping To” (2010), by Lenora Lee Dance, featuring media & set design by Olivia Ting, music by Francis Wong, and poetry by Genny Lim.  It shares stories of immigration to the U.S. through the Angel Island Immigration Station and includes multimedia video projected on the glass doors/windows, walls, tabletop, and feeding into a large screen monitor.  Listening stations with interrogation questions, poetry, and music accompany the videos and installation.  A 23 ft x 5 ft wall mural comprised of 160 sheets of paper tiles contain immigration and interrogation documents, imagery of Angel Island barracks, maps of Angel Island, of Toisan, China, of handprints, fingerprints, and of topological maps of the face.

The “Passages” gallery installation is on view April 12, 2012 – January 31, 2013 as part of CHSA Museum’s new “Remnants” gallery exhibition, which also features work by Gordon Chun, Nancy Hom, Michael Jang, Cynthia Tom, & Flo Oy Wong.

Chinese Historical Society of America Museum
965 Clay Street, SF, CA  94108 (between Powell & Stockton)
For more info:, (415) 391-1188

The interdisciplinary performance piece “Passages: For Lee Ping To” (2010) was commissioned as a part of the community Centennial commemoration of the opening of the Angel Island Immigration Station. It is an homage to Lenora’s maternal grandparents Lee Ping To and Yee Ock Kee.  Recently nominated for an Isadora Duncan Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in Visual Design.

Click here for more photos of the installation.

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